How to Save on Health Care Costs

by Corey Thomas on

The average American spends more than $10,000 per person annually on healthcare expenses, including premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts.  For a large family, that amount can quickly become unsustainable. In the past, it was common for employers to absorb the majority of these costs...

Financial FAQs

by Corey Thomas on

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked financial questions.  

I’ve just started my first job.  Do I really have to start saving for retirement now?

Yes.  While it’s important to wait to invest until student loans and any credit card debit has been paid off, if your current...

Top 7 Ways to Save Money

by Corey Thomas on

Even with a thriving economy, many Americans continually struggle to save money.  While it’s certainly tempting to spend that extra cash, socking it away for the future in an IRA or investing in stocks makes much more sense. Try out a few of these tips, and you may find yourself with extra money to...